Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Royal Son Come in Splendor

Created to depict Christmas and what it is really about...

24"X36" Acrylic on Canvas, November 2008
Sold to raise money for Tyndale Mission Teams, 2009

We sometimes let ourselves come between us and God, but like the purple sun...or Son...He is always there. He promises to never leave or forsake His children. The simplicity of the tree reminds us that our purpose in life, ultimately, is simple--to honor and glorify God in all we do, and ascribe to Him the beauty that is His..which is the silver incorporated into the work.

Be amazed by all He has done.

Be blessed by grace and simplicity.
Be strengthed through the power of the Word.
Be encouraged by love greater than you can imagine.

God be with you all and within you all.